Wordsworth and Coleridge

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Here I'm going to talk about two points about Wordsworth and Coleridge...

1} Write brief note on the views of Wordsworth and Coleridge on poem.

Introduction about Coleridge:-
Samual Taylor Coleridge {1772 to 1834} was a great poet, but he is also a great critic, he is one of the greatest of poet-critics that England has ever produced, he was genius, and when he inspired, and when the mood was upon him, he could create works of the highest order, but he was incapable of sustained and persistent labour.

Introduction about Wordsworth:-
William Wordsworth was primarily a poet and not a critic, however, his views on poetry are extremely important and can be found in "The preface to the lyrical ballads." 1800, the preface was first published as a short advertisement. In 1800 words worth brought detailed preface and 1802, he further preferred the preface. Coleridge climbed that 1802 preface was "Half a child of my own brain ". The most significant addition in the 1802 prefaces, the long account of nature, qualification and functions of a poet, the Demonstaration of his superiority over the man of pleasure Wordsworth, added an appendix on poetic diction.

So....Let's see the views of Wordsworth and Coleridge's on poem.

Wordsworth believed that He sought to give the jam off of nobody of things to everyday objects of nature by coloring it with the power of imagination.

Coleridge believed that , he sought to give the charm of novelty 2 things of everyday objects by making supernatural natural.

Wordsworth believed that pres ented The common and simple life of patients & Shepard-realistic description of his experience.

Coleridge believed that Introduced  dreamlike quality - element of mystery- wonder and supernatural.

Wordsworth believed that he reminded of the earth and his time.

Coleridge believed that went to Middle Ages- created the atmosphere of magic/mystery.

Woodsworth was a Teacher-moralist.

Coleridge was an Artist.

Woodsworth lack musical quality - 'have no ear for fine sound'.

Coleridge 'Epicure in sounds' - master of melody.

Wordsworth believed in simplicity in diction - no difference between prose and poetry.

Coleridge believed Element of mysticism in diction - he differentiates prose and poetry in diction.

Woodsworth have high priest of nature.

Coleridge lived in the world of fancy and thoughts.

{In imaginative power and narrative skills, college superpassed Wordsworth}

2} Analyze 2 poems with reference to Wordsworth and Coleridge's views.

Poem of Wordsworth:

London 1802

Milton! Thou shouldst to be living at this hour!

England hath need to thee : she is fen
Of Stagnant Waters: altar,sword,and pen,
Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bower,
Have forfeited their ancient English bower
Of Inward happiness. we are selfish men;

Analyze of LONDON 1802:

Hear Wordsworth's patriotic feeling is reflected He address milton and says that england is become fen, he wants milton to use his pen or sword, to awake the people. The mind of people are full of tension and fear, he wants to make their spirit free.

           Earlier critical reception of the lyrical ballads was mostly negative and at times even inimical. Many critics have stupid the collection in terms of Wordsworth's and Coleridge's artistic and intellectual development and have highlighted paradoxes and inconsistencies in their critical thinking as evidenced by 'THE PREFACE' . In any case Wordsworth agrees with total that 'poetry is the most philosophical of all writing. That is it can portray the universal inhuman nature'.
He says that poetry conveys 'Truth, not individual and local,but general and operative; not standing upon external testing,but carried alive into the heartby passion.


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