Topic:- Aristotle's poetics:
Paper No-3 Literary Theory and Criticism
M.A Semester: 1
Batch: 2019-2021
Enrollment No: 2069108420200014
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Submitted to: Smt. S.B Gardi
Department of English, MKBU
Aristotle's poetics:
Six parts of Tragedy...
Aristotle ( 384 - 322 BC)
Aristotle found a school named Lyceum. He devoted his life on teaching and lecturing to scholars on a variety of subjects.
According to Aristotle, epic and tragedy have the same forms. Epic can be full of complexity. Epic recognition can emphasize character or suffering. Epic is in the other manner of imagination. Thought and diction do not produce the form of tragedy or epic, both are important to epic as they are tragedy. Edits total gives the example of one of the greatest poet of Greek epic, Homer.illaid is a very simple and doesn't need much explanation Aristotle describs Iliad as an epic of suffering. From the starting point, dog emphasis is on the tragic death, that is the end of the pillow the murdering of Hector, en episode of suffering The Odyssey , on the other hand, is an epic of recognition and of character. But it can be said that odyssey,is not both these forms simultaneously. Having classified homer's epics, Aristotle further clarifies that homer outstripes all other induction and thoughts.
After considering various difference between epic and tragedy, the question arise of superiority is epic better or Tragedy. Edits total favored in poetics heat, discuss this question at length, he eats it in his own words. Tragic art stands to epic in the same relation as the younger to the older actors. So we are told that epic poetry is addressed to a cultivated audience, who do not need,jesture,tragedy to an interior public. According to Aristotle, tragedy is superior to epic, because beside having all the elements of epic, it also has some additional elements. Tragedy has better unit what where as many incidence are scattered in epic. There are many stories in stories in epic. Tragedy ends more perfectly than epic, and so it is better than epic. Gradually keeps your concentration as its of less hours while epic gives freedom to your imagination to render while reading.
# Natural and function of tragedy
# Six parts of tragedy
1) plot
2) Thought
3) Character
4) Diction
5) Melody/songs
6) Spectacle
# Aristotle provieds a definition of Tragedy that we can devied into seven parts:-
1) it involves mimesis
2) it is serosis
3) The action is complete and with Magnitude
4) it is made up of language with the " Aesthetic Ornaments " Of rythm and harmony
5) these "Aesthetic ornaments" Are, not used uniformly throughout, but are introduced in separate parts of the work so that, for instance, some bites are spoken in verse and other bites are sung.
6) hippies performed rather than narrated
7) it arouses the emotions of pity and fear and accomplishes a catharsis
Aristotle asserts that any tragedy can be divided into six parts and that every tragedy is made up of these six parts with nothing else besides.
1) PLOT:-
Plot or mytos which are the harmonious combination of incidents and action in the story.Aristotle argues that without action there cannot be tragedy at the same time characters are required to do action. The ends we pursue in life,our happiness and our misery, all take the form of action. Tragedy is written not early to imitate man but to imitate man in action.
Plot is the first principle, the most important feature of tragedy
- The soul of tragedy
Aristotle defines plot as "the Harmonious arrangement of the incidents ". Tragedy is an imitation not of human beings but of action and life of happiness and misery.
Character is plot,
Plot is character
- F . S cott Fitzgerald
Thot is a thot in importance and it found where something is proved to be or not be a general maxim is enunciated . Aristotle see the little about the thoughts and most of what he has to say in associated with how speeches showed reveal character. The plot and characters are not important on their own account, there is the central thought in the play, towords which they point. A play embodies the Vision or the ideas of the play Wright. They are expressed thoughts the characters and their speeches. it must be noted that to ancient Greek, literature was good only if it taught some moral truth. This would differences among them as to what was the truth.
"THOUGHT, on the other hand, is the show name all day 7 providing providing some particular point or educating some universal position".
- Aristotle
3) Character:-
Aristotle disqualifies two types of character,
1) Purely vitruous
2) Thoroughly bad
He is a man following attributes. He should be a man of mixed character, neither blameless nor absolutely depraved. Hiiii miss fortune should follow from some error or flow of characters short of moral tent. He must fall from height of prosperity and glory. I remember one thought which is the related to a character, it is the return by Charlie Chaplin.
" A man screw character comes out when he's drunk"
4) Diction:-
Diction is the 4th part, we can say that about the diction that is,
" the expression of the meaning is words "
Which are proper and appropriate to the plot, characters and end of the tragedy. It is also the choice of 4 gods to embellish language with beautiful ornaments. In this category are a total disgust stylistic elements of tragedy, he is particularly interested in metaphors, but the greatest thing by far, is to have all commented awesome metaphor... It is the mark of genius for to make good metaphors implies an eye for resemblances. We can see in the modern sense, it means choice of word.
5) Song or melody:-
Song or melody is 5th and is the musical element of the chorus.Aristotle argues that the chorus should be fully integrated into the play like an actor coral, song's lyrical dialogue should not be mere. Interludes, but should contribute to the unity of the plot. Google obeys song's lyrical dialogues boy singular feature of the Greek tragedy. Bed, I remember one thought on the melody, which is the return by Norah Johns...
" I really love with him with melody "
6) Spectacle:-
Spectacle is the last part, for it is the latest connected with literature. " the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet. All of this has been the discussion of Aristotle's concept off a tragedy. But to the point discussed here, apply to the representational literature in general. In every kind of representational literature, lot has its own important place, characters are bound to be their thoughts, they may be of different types, it will have a definite central thought expressed in appropriate diction and technique finally, it will help its own and our purpose in the place of katharsis. Similarly, they have their own thoughts, way of presentation and spectacle.
# block head meet this criterion will have the following qualities:-
The plot must be a hole with the beginning, mid days and end. The beginning gold by modern critics incentive movement, most start the cause and effect chain, but not be dependent on anything outside girl compass of the play. Don't me dull or climax must be caused by earlier incidents and itself caused incidents that follow it. The end result shown most be caused by the presenting events but not lead to other incidents outside the compass of the play. The most be complete having a unity of action. ( deus ex machine) . Aristotle argues the dead lots should not be to breathe, the more incidents and themes that the playwright can bring together an organic unity, simple plots have only a change of fortune, complex plots have both reversal of intention and recognition connected with the catastrophe. Edit total goes to the extent of saying that " without actual death, can not be a tragedy ". There may be without character. Aristotle argues dad, if you put together group, those pictures will not make a tragedy though the reading and performing may be entertaining. Greek plays man Domaine before his birth character is not a desting. Believe without good Pilates play with her, with good action, nothing to be happiness, there would be no drama at all.
# conclusion:-
According to Aristotle blood is the most important of the 6th part of the tragedy. Character is the second important part. The third important part of the tragedy is the thought. Peter deals with vision or the ideas of the playwright. The 4th number is even to the diction. Diction is the expression of the meaning of the words linked to the plot characters and the end. And the 5th one is important, 5 awful tragedy is a song, this part plays an important role in setting the attention of the audience. The last one that is the 6th part of spectacles. Which is the deal with presentation techniques. If all parts are, give the popular justice and a proper one the drama would be the best one. All the parts are most necessary according it. If something is neither incomplete nor missing that it shall be disclosed. That's why all are many important. Here's the most important parts are very visible and clearly shows the difference and the importance.
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