Assignment Paper No. 2

Topic:Gulliver's Characterizations:-
Paper no.2 Neo- classical literature
M.A Semester: 1
Batch: 2019-2021
Enrollment No: 2069108420200014
Roll No: 16
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Submitted to: Smt. S.B Gardi
Department of English, MKBU

Gulliver's Characterizations:-


Gulliver's Travels written by Jonathan Swift. He came from an English family. Which settled Dublin of Ireland. He was born in Dublin on the 30th November,1667. He took college in Ireland. At College, he was often war by authorities...but successfully completed College 1685. Hw was the master of Concrete world. He was the most outstanding England satirist in the 18th century.
Gulliver's Travels is the most famous of all the works of Swift.
The title of Swift's work is....
Gulliver's Travels is a Classical literary work by Jonathan Swif. A travelogue Novel, Swift wrote it not for Entertainment or Comic way but the main aim was to aware the England Government about the situation of England. It was begun in 1720 and finally published in 1726.It was a delightfull fantasy novel of Adventure for children, a political allegory and serious satire on human nature. Book was written in the form of a Travelogue. The Narrator and the hero of this novel was LEMUEL GULLIVER. He was an English physician Surgeon. Gulliver is surgeon by protection only but yes he is a best doctor of one but the Desire is to see the world by water way in a ship. And begins the voyage...The book is made up with four parts,each dealing with the Gulliver's personal experiences in Different Delighted with fantasy Land. 
The popular genre of 18th century, chronicle the Experience and Adventure of the Land's fantasy. It was so Delightful as well as better then reading Imagination. The novel can be read from the perspective of Utopia/Dystopia. 
It serves Swift's satirical purpose and the communities whom are far from the ideas and every excesses of mankind. Gulliver is a mouthpiece of Swift. He delivers the whole exhibits about the certain situations. Characters are the central and a huge part of plot in any story. It make a live situations n fill like a four voyage his identity is not stable.
# Four Voyages and his Characterizations:-
The book is divided into four part which Describes Gulliver's Voyage to Different let's Discuss it.

Part-1 : Describe the voyage to a country known as LILLIPUT Characterization :- As a Giant
Part-2 : Describe the Voyage to a Country known as Brobdingnag Characterization as a :- Tiny
Part-3 : Describe the voyage t a Five countries know as Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubdubrib, Luggnagg and Japan. Characterization :- as in laputa
Par-4 : Deals with the country known as Houyhnhnms and yahoos.Characterization :- As a un- Civilization.

# Gulliver as a Gaint :-

       Generally in all the voyage, most Ship of Gulliver breaks down and reach any country Because of Storm. He got the job as a captain in ship and went to complete his desire. Suddenly the strom break the ship and Gulliver find a wooden piece set on it. He reached at the shore of any see with full of Nap. When his eyes opened he looked the little men on his body very tiny like 6 inches. He try to move but can't because his hairs are pull with Rope.Gulliver is giant for them. They are so tiny like Gulliver can't listen them. King of laputa here to met him and give him stay in big temple and provides him a clothes,food n shelter. But an irony chain is in his foot that's why his body is not movable. He is god like them. So, Gulliver's identify is Powerful and as a unique person for liliputians. Here he lost his original identity...he's not any sophisticated person he was just adjust with all the situations.

Here he is unique because of his physical size and strength. The second one is language. Gulliver from the england so he can't understand the language of liliputians. And the language is only source to remember earlier identity. So Liliputians arranged teacher to teach him Liliputians again he losses his original identity.

# Gulliver as a Tiny :-

       After ten months he returned from laputa and Blefuscu and then he agin left for next Voyage. Named Adventure. Gulliver's second to BROBDINGNAGIAN And here the twist is different...Gullive is tiny and the mankind of Brobdingnagias are 70 feet tall from Gulliver. Even grass are also very tall for Gulliver. Whole the humans are like Giant for him.
Again he loses his own identity. It's like a Giants are Creatures and Gulliver is insect. He felt like his voice is Pressed under giants. He can't raise his voice Whit them. Almost voiceless.

His identity in lilliput is like a " A BIG FISH IN SMALL POUND " and here in Brobdinganag is like "A FROG IN OCEAN". Here he is a exhibition and entertainment thing no values for him. Farmer make money to while give to queen. In laputa he was " GOD LIKE FIGURE " AND "A SLEEVE LIKE CREATURE" Is here. They are not considered him as a human.
He lived in a box at King's palace. One day his box and he fly with the bird and bird threw the box in ocean in a boat and reached his land again. Gulliver who enjoyed his identity in Lilliput and hates his identity here. His two voyages makes a huge difference between physical size.

# Gulliver in Laputa:-

After ten Days he met the ship Captain and he invites him for 2 two months in voyage. He convince his wife and start thy next and Third Voyage. This is a good opportunity to work as a surgeon in ship. Again Swift paly with his identity in tjis Voyage. Sail for three days, Storm arrived and ship is in north-northeast. They attacked by Pirates. Gulliver insulte ship's captain of pairates and got punishment with Paddles and a got punishment with Paddles and a Sail, for four Days.

At the fifth day Gulliver sailing the boat and reached at small island. He rest for a night and wake up at morning he shocking to see the island. He felt the clouds are floating but actually the island is floating around. He calls the mankind. He surprise to see the Floating island named Laputa. His third voyage. Surprisingly he finds his own identity because here absurdity is more powerful. So again Gulliver has to make struggle for raise his voice and make his identity again.
Floating island is a different identity of others island on this earth.
Quite similar with his identity and island and the center point is absurdity he felt like here his identity is under danger zone because there's nothing possible without baise.
In lilliput he enjoyed, in Brobdinganag under fear but the shocking in third like "A MAN IS IN THE SKY". Who can't fly but he have to fly for his existence. " REALITY EARTH SKY IS MERELY ILLUSTION. The sky is only attractive not useful.
Here again swift play a huge and shocking game with Gulliver and his identity.

#Gulliver as a Un-Civilization Man :-

Swift this part describing to Reality our society relationship Man and Animal. Here he deeply explains that Human nature is very different than animal behavior. he Master Horse is confused because he feels doubt, but he is also completely unfamiliar with the idea of lying Gulliver tells the Master Horse about the poor treatment horses often receive as work animals in his home country.The Master Horse is completely shocked to hear that Yahoos ride Houyhnhnms where Gulliver comes from. How dare they, when Houynhnhnms are so much stronger than Yahoos? Gulliver talks about the process of breaking horses. Here The Master Horse continues to be furious . He admits that, if horses in Gulliver's country are stupid, then it make sense that the Yahoos win out, because reason beats strength every time.
This is his forth voyage. Here the biggest change comes in Gulliver’s self. This is the land of horses not of humans. So, here Gulliver is identified not as a human, but as an animal. This is the greatest transformation of Gulliver from human to animal.

                       Here horses are rational and intellectual, while humans are like animals- ugly, dumb and wild. Horses are the ruler of the humans. The interesting thing is here for Gulliver horses are animal, and for horses Gulliver is an animal. Horses can think, speak and rule like human beings. They are called ‘Yahoos’. So, now Gulliver is also coming in yahoo’s category. Swift very rudely twists Gulliver’s of any other character. 

                                          Only one thing remains same with his identity, throughout his journey. That is “in all four lands, he remains like alien for the people of that land.” They people decide Gulliver’s identity.

                How swiftly Swift changes Gulliver’s Character! Gulliver’s identity is a progress from optimism to pessimism, transformation from human to an animal. This is the changing identity of Gulliver. He was great opportunity of any other writer them creativity of characteristics work of literature and good performance that how can image proved to individual person every part swift awesome picture of Gulliver and all novel character.

                Gulliver disgust England and it’s government extends to the entire human race and it in part IV that the reader is convinced that Gulliver is Swift’s mouthpiece. This is evident in the in the way he derides and satirizes English society and it’s institutions. Gulliver is fed, and house by the horse –like Houyhnhnms who become his master .He is full of admiration for this superior race which is intelligent and orderly, as well as rational. 
At the end of ‘Gulliver Travels ‘ it is difficult to say if Gulliver is an eighteenth century allegorical figure or a rounded and complex character. His growth and development in the course of the narrative is restricted to the change in his attitude towards his follow human being although he arrives some kind of self –awareness towards the end of the text , the awareness being that he is Yahoo! Critics have also doubted the reliability of Gulliver’s narrative – it is satirical from beginning to end , or does Gulliver himself become the object of satire in swift’s hands? Like Christian in Bunyan’s ‘pilgrim’s progress’ ,Gulliver might be an allegorical representation of human in general.

Thank you 🤗
