Assignment Paper No. 6 " CULTURE AND ANARCHY "

Topic:- Culture and anarchy by Matthew Arnold
Paper No-6 The Victorian Age
M.A Semester: 2
Batch: 2019-2021
Enrollment No: 2069108420200014
Roll No: 10
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Submitted to: Smt. S.B Gardi
Department of English, MKBU

Introduction :- 

        Culture and Anarchy is a notorious philosophical work written by the celebrated Victorian poet and critic Matthew Arnold.
     Matthew Arnold was one of the splendid whiskers of the Victorian greatest poet, critic, essayist and professor of poetry at Oxford.
 This essay was first published in Cornhill magazine during 1867 to 1868. The full name of this essay was culture in anarchy, An essay in political and a social criticism. Culture and anarchy is by far his most well-known Rose Bowl. Today, I know crossing zeal for culture and consuming a civilising influence led him to write a book about the significance of culture in society and how it might hold back the force of anarchy. 
He describes culture as the pursuit of perfection, which enable used 2 eggs and stock habits and rethink things as a way of "present difficulties ". Culture, he says, like religion is about the second in world perfection, the contemporary problem is people worship of machinery, that is a means, rather than the end, he expresses concerns about the state as controlling culture power to be expected and over come over best, self effected by culture can apparently and accept such authority of the state as protection against anarchy. 

What is Culture and Anarchy?

       First year I'm going to define definition of culture, and then the definition of anarchy... So let's see what is culture? 

Culture :- 
That's a various meanings and definitions of culture. Culture is nothing that is only to how to eat, how to stay in society, how to behave and all....
In latin , culture had a large range of meanings, like a inhabit
 Horner with virtue worship etc...

As a describe by Velkley : the term culture, which originally meant realization of the soul or mind acquires most of its later modern meaning in the writing of the 18th century German thinkers who on various levels developing Rousseau's good, racism of "modern librarians and enlightenment," a contrast between "culture" and "civilization" is usually implied in this another, even when not expressed as such. 

Two primary meanings of culture emerged from this period, culture as the folk spirit, having a unique identity and culture as a civilization or a virus or free individuality, the first meaning is predominant in our current use of the term culture, although the second still plays a large role in what we think, culture should achieve namely the full expression of the unique authentic self. 

Culture was a new social and intellectual movement. It was a First related with cultivation and cultivated. The independent noun civilization also emerged in its relation to culture.
civilization or culture the historical self development of humanity. 

Arnold's views on culture :-

According to his views he says that....
" Culture is a study of perfection "

Culture is like a process, it means its going on, in short, it is up processing always, it is not aesthetic, but it is a changeable it's, a study of social and moral perfection and according to Arnold culture is internal thing as Barbara God remains within similarly culture also remains within.

As we already see that Arnold says, culture is aw study of perfection he says:

" to convince of true human perfection, as harmonious perfection , developing all sides of our humanity ; and as a general perfection, developing all parts of our society for if one member suffers, the other member must have suffered with it and the fewer there is that follow the true way of salvation. The harder today to be is to find."

Arnold considers that one should see the moral, social and benefit characters in culture. The culture is the only thing that make difference between human from animals. That makes perfect our humanity. Go to has nothing to do with religion or God, but some the Arab part of culture, one can not possess culture, but surely one can have a personal mental growth, my culture culture conceives perfection. Culture as the focus period, having a unique identity and culture as cultivation of free individuality. 

The first meaning is the dominant in our current use of the term culture, and the second one is still plays a larger role in what with him, culture should achieve namely the full expression of the unique authentic self. Go to the music, literature, painting and sculpture. Theatre and film. A ministry of culture refers to this specific activities, sometimes with the addition of philosophy scholarship, history. Garcetti's not any kind of unless thing, but it is a very important function, or think that makes him more help full and the full field for mankind. 

According to Arnold " culture is harmonious perfection , developing all sides of humanity as general perfection."

CULTURE: Sweetness and light

Arnold believes that somewhere culture is also connected with ideas of sweetness and light. Greek word 'aphuia' means Graceful and grown. He's going to connect to the idea of sweetness and light culture, and some where he tries to explain with the Greek words. 


  A state of society which are running without government or the low. A state Without any restriction , government ,rules ,regulations as well. And Nachi the food to us society entity group of persons or single person with the recognition of authority, a state of low illnesses or political disorder due to absence of government authority. 

Anarchy according to Arnold :

          Aarchy means "utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government. " The term anarchy refers to a society without publicly and forced government violently and forced political authority when we use in this sense, anarchy may or may not be intended to imply political disorder or lawlessness. 
         Arnold in this chapter he talks about freedom, and this freedom is a song very much by English man, but yet they never thought about and offers such a freedom for which it is to be desired and no, except the idea of personal freedom, but he tells about complete freedom, Arnold things in his way. 


The barbarians - ARISTOCRACY
The Philistine - MIDDLE CLASS
The populace - WORKING CLASS


" છે ગરીબોના કૂબામાં તેલનું ટીપુંય દોહ્યલું 
ને શ્રીમંતોની કબર પર ઘીના દીવા બળે છે "

"સાંજ પડેને શ્રીમંત વિચારે કે શું ખાવું ?
 અને ગરીબ વિચારે કે મારે શું ખાવું ? "


Free minded
 rich class people 
 free to leave / think 
 High thinking
 looking good
  more civilized

The short a sophisticated person...the Aristocratic class. The more consider there self in personal liberty. Often anarchical in their tendencies, yet they have their own individual ISM field sport and mainly exercises are a fashion with them, external style in manners, accomplishments and powers are inherited from the barbarians.


Money makers
 idea about business 
 team meeting

Middle class...people more considered there self in busy in industrialist. They have produced the greatest Mercantile navy. So, They are impair builders. 


Hard workers 
Narrow minded 
Bed activity
Slum area 

This class is mostly exploited by the barbarian, and Philip Stein, the author finds democratic in this class because they are getting a political consciousness and are coming out from there, hitting place 2 as cert English mans heaven bona privilege of doing as one likes meeting very, he likes breaking what he likes.


Anarchy is the result of doing as one likes on the basis of the freedom to enjoy the act rather on the consequences of that act. Thus, in Arnold’s mode of structural thinking, anarchy differs substantially from the modern definition in that it is worshiping freedom itself as a concept rather than the benefits which come with understanding the responsibilities that come with being free. This conceptualization of anarchy is rooted the idea of British citizens having become too willing to trust in the machine of parliamentarian democracy to solve problems created by the conflict of everybody doing as he likes.

That are 2 sides in politics. Also the 2 were giving different ideas or concept of personal liberty. This personal freedom, privileged Edisto crazy and the middle class people were tempted by the political idea of personal freedom, dumbass, the working classes of Arnold's time started asserting their right to do what they like meat, where the light enters where they like. 


     HERE Arnold talks about the great idea to know and the great energy to act. 


Spirit of thought
Spirit of Bible
Narrow mindness
Though only for god
Follow the biblical ideas
Put weighted on, Doing the things


Spirit of mind
Spirit of greek
Open minded
Thought with practical
Follow the platonic ideas
Keep emphasis knowing the things

Both are directly connected to the human life of human beings Hellenism keeps emphasis knowing or knowledge where as Hebraism fasten its faith in doing.
  " HELLENISM acquires spontaneous of consciousness, with ugliness of mind and breathe achieves strictness of consciousness with it's clarity of thought in brief, HEB reason shows stress, doing rather than knowing, and follows the will of God, its primary idea is absolute obedience to the will of God. "

Conclusion :

So the essay by Matthew Arnold gave 6 terms to understand culture and anarchy all have there own concerns and their own way of expressing ideas. In the defines that CULTURE and ANARCHY both are different things and at last he also explains the Difficult terms.

Citation :

Trowbridge, Serena. Culture and Anarchy, 12 July 2013,

Arnold, Matthew. “Culture and Anarchy Summary.” GradeSaver,

Unknown. “Culture and Anarchy by Mathew Arnold.” Culture and Anarchy by Mathew Arnold, 1 Jan. 1970,
