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Here I'm going to make blog about Five types of cs chapter 2....click here to read the reference blog of Dr. Dilip Barad sir. As a already mention in my Chapter 1's blog about WHAT IS CULTURE? and WHAT IS CULTURAL STUDIES? Click here to read the blog of chapter 1.
1) your understanding of British cultural materialism, in your own words.
British culture :- Culture of the United Kingdom. British culture is influenced by the nation's history; its predominantly Christian religious life, its interaction with the cultures of Europes.
Materialism :- a theory that physical matter is the only or fundamental reality and that all being and processes and phenomena can be explained as manifestations or results of matter.
Cultural materialism began in earnest in the 1950s with the work of F. R. Leavis, heavily influenced by Matthew Arnold’s analyses of bourgeois culture.
“culture” we must situate it within the controlling myth of social and political reality of the British Empire upon which the sun never set, an ideology left over from the previous century. In modern Britain two trajectories for “Culture” developed one led back to the past and the feudal hierarchies that ordered community in the past; here, culture acted in its sacred function as preserver of the past. Cultural materialism began in earnest in the 1950s with the work of F.R. Leavis sought to use the educational system to distribute literary knowledge and appreciation more widely promoted the “great tradition “ of Shakespeare and Milton to improve the moral sensibilities of a wider range of readers than just the elite.
Cultural materialists also turned to the more humanized and even spiritual insights of the great students of Rabelais and Dostoevsky, Russain formalist Bakhtn, especially his amplification of the dialogic form of communal, individual and social.
Culture stand is referred to as ‘culture materialism in Britain and it.
2) what is contribution of Michael Foucault in new historicism?
New historicists used the concept of episteme, developed by Foucault, in order to re-situate literary texts within their cultural and historical contexts, considering that literature as a field that does not reflect a particular epoch but it rather participates in shaping it, becoming a cultural and historical agent.
3) How can Historicists help in answering the question raised against laputa episode in Gulliver's Travels?
Laputa is a gigantic trope of the female body : the circular island with a round chasm at the center, through which the astronomers of the island descend to a domelike structure of the “ Fandom Gangue “ or “ astronomer’s cave”. Laputa has at its center a giant lodestone on which the movement of the island depends. The floating physical structure of Likuta is like a uterus and vagina ; Gulliver and the Aleutians’ are able to enter this cavity at will and control not only the movements of the lodestone and island , but also the entire society. As Bruce remarks, “ It is this which engenders the name of the ialand : in a paradigmatic instance of misogyny, the achievement of male control over female body itself renders that body the whore: Laputa”
5) Difference between modernism and postmodernism. If possible give example.
Modernism begun in the 1890 and last till about 1945. Postmodernism begun after the second World War, especially after 1968, modernism was based on using fictional biological means to gain knowledge, vile post modernism denied the application of logical thinking. Rather than thinking during the postmodern era was based on unscientific.
The fundamental difference between modernism and postmodernism is that modernist thinking is about the search of an abstract truth of life while postmodernist thinkers believe that there is no universal truth, abstract.
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