Topic:- Media and cultural studies
Paper No-8 Cultural studies
M.A Semester: 2
Batch: 2019-2021
Enrollment No: 2069108420200014
Roll No: 10
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Submitted to: Smt. S.B Gardi
Department of English, MKBU
Very much interested in the ways in which communication and community are linkd. Communication is language discourse and representation, as we have seen in the representation, is the central with the production, conception and meditation of cultural products, therefore, it is important to look at the structures and technologies that produce this representation in the section of cultural inter me diaries, we have seen how marketing and advertising generate or desire for cultural material object and central to the politician assumption patterns of culture. Advertising, marketing and critic are all features associated with media media technologies of communication and therefore meaning production and meaning dissemination. Media culture clearly reflects the multiple sides of contemporary debates and problems. It is for this reason that any reading of the media must always be a political reading. Moreover, Cultural Studies investigates culture as the ordinary and often unnoticed practices and relations through which social life is ordered and made meaningful. This includes research in top patterns of everyday life, Consumption and markets; changing distinctions between public andprivate; identity, race andcultural difference; cultural engagements with the environment; celebrity, gender and popular culture; and material Culture.
Before proceeding further, we have to know about the definition of cultural study as given below.
🔥 What is Cultural Studies?
Cultural studies is a field of theoretically, politically, and empirically engaged cultural analysis that concentrates upon the political dynamics of contemporary culture, its historical foundations is to this extent distinguished from cultural anthropology.
🔥What is Media Studies?
Media studies are marketing and advertising generate desire for cultural material, object and are thus central to the production consumption pattern of culture. A Media study is an academic field that deals with the content, form, history, effects, and political implications of various media and technologies.
🔥Difference between culture and Media....
Culture :-
culture is a mirror or reaction of any society. In literary text, manuscript we can find full description of that society which gives glimpse of that era.Culture Providing specialization in the history, theory, and methodology of Cultural studies.Culture is the characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.
Media :-
Providing a specialization in the history, theory, and methodology of Media Studies.
Popular culture and the mass media have a symbiotic relationship: each depends on the other in an intimate collaboration."
Mass media constitute a public space degenerate database influence opinion and create markets, they may or may not be controlled by the state, often they are controlled by large corporations generate profit ....example, (think of the difference between state owned DOORDARSHAN AND STAR TV)
films often referred to as mass media or mass communication in mass media, the source is the center and usually single and the audience or address are the total number of human beings far away from the source, Thurs mass media like film effect and influence a large number of people and are therefore integrated to culture. Media studies and its role in the construction of cultural values, its circulation of symbolic value, and its production of desire is central to cultural studies. Primarily on Sound and screen media, radio, television, film, popular music, and internet, but reaching out across boundaries. It's a production of desire, easy central to cultural studies today, studying media culture is not only to focus on the cultural aspects of any media, but also paying attention to the economics of media cultural studies of the media begins with the assumption that media culture, and here we are, speaking of a wider range of media.
Media culture clearly reflects the multiple sides of contemporary depends and the problems it is for the reason that any reading of the media must always be a political reading. Media culture is also representing religious and their view. Now a day we can find many mythological TV serials on it. Media culture, in its mass marketing, has been compared to the role of religions in the past. It has been considered as taking the place of the old traditional religions.
Media culture helps rain, forced the money and power of a specific political, cultural and economic group. The presentations in the media are...
1) Suggestive :-
These sub means they suggest ideologies that the audience. If not alert, imbibes. Media culture does not need to declare it's supposition, or ideology openly, it only needs to suggest showing a film start guzzling Coke in a film, or using a particular brand of clothes thing is not necessarily a marketing strategy for the product, but what it does to suggest that starts we're certain kind of clothes and 30 lemur is in part the effect of clothes.
2) Provocative :-
media culture is provocative because it sometimes ask us to rethink what we know or reinforce what we believe in. Thus Utah party of Pakistan as a terrorist state in Hindi films reinforced though political and social image of Pakistan by raising our anger levels at the injustice of Pakistan Army, but remains silent on any human and civil rights violation by the Indian Army in Kashmir.
Media culture is also gives a brief reflection of society and all kinds of multimedia tools to help us understand present day situation of contemporary time, many multi media like TV, radio, Internet box music projector, computer advertisement, mobile, etc, this all medias are representing, though psychology of people. So for further let's talk briefly about media is representing the background office society and their culture.
Yes, as we all are familiar with the media advertisement that is all very helpful to understand the manufacturer of a product and the use of the product. Instruction of the product is also available inside in the packet, with the help of that, we are going to understand how to use it.
🔥 Cultural studies of popular media culture involves :-
- and analyses of the form of representation symbols
- - an analysis of the political ( ideologies ) imbedded in this representation ( ideologies and values of the family Indians development)
- an examination of the financial sources sponsors of the representation, ( for example, paragraph advertisement by Coke after the report on pesticides in Coca-Cola )
- - an examination of the roles played by other objects, people in propagating ideologies,( for example, the choice of a meal can after patriotic films like Logan, Mangal, Pandey and wrong diversity to assure people to the safety of coca cola)
like a fairness cream, hair color....
Media spectacles demonstrate who has power and Louisa powerless as well, and who is allowed to exercise for the violence, and who is not as well. Radio, television, film, web series, advertisement and many more products provide materials, out of which we forgot, our very identities, our sense of selfhood. Media images help shape over view of the world and over the paste values, what we consider good or bad, positive or negative moral, or even to do, and not to do as well. Media stories also provided the cymbals meet and resources through which we constitute a common culture, and through the appropriation of which we insert ourselves into this culture, cultural studies are valuable because it provides some tools that enable one to read and interpret one's culture critically. Culture considered this distinction between high and low. The project of cultural studies by contrast, avoids getting the fluid of culture into high and low or popular against elite.
🔥 Cultural studies ask :-
- does the film or serial and web series also present though oppressive equal nature of institution, family education, medicine, or does it glorify them
- does the film tell us anything about the possible resistance to such oppressive ideologies?
- goo friends, this films and therefore has a spec in circulating promoting such ideologies,?
- what is the audience response to such a representation? What is the difference in the response?
Contemporary cultural studies of media culture explores what is being a cold media ecology, media is the interpretation of information and communications technologies, (ICTs) , organizational behavior and human interaction as Beano constitute an environment of human cultural today from individuals to organizations in metro policies across the world, and exploration of a particular technologies ecology involves looking at marketing tools like camera and microphones, language codes, opinion polls used to rate programs in short, the entire universe of that particular medium before intense, we are looking at the media ecology of the Hindi film.
- the start and his on her personality
- the tools (camera setting light)
- the workers (technicians)
- the language( of the film of instructions)
- the audience (reception fans)
- themarketing (publicity)
- the iconography the posters the appearance of the stars
- the parodies re-mix version of its music
- the court case if any
- the role of the states concerned ship
- the reviews
🔥 Functions of mass media...
Advertisement through social media is very useful too understand culture. Nowadays, we can find many writers and critics are using social site to connect with people, many social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube emails, etc. So we can read him easily with a single finger stroke.
Conclusion :-
So as I'm going to conclude my assignment, I want to tell something, last, a few words, like a different perspective, which helps us to rethink about our social life through mass media and media communication. So that's why the media is very help full to us in day-to-day life, in business, in household works for students also. So that's why don't media culture is played, vital role as an effective tool in cultural studies and in our day to day life. But obviously the mass media overwork is very easier than the past time we are going to complete our work with the less time and we can do extra work in our extra time.
Citation :-
Nayar, Pramod K. An Introduction to Cultural Studies. Viva Books, 2011.
Thank you 😊
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