Hello Readers, 

To the Lighthouse, a novel by Virginia Woolf .It is a part of our Academic Activity. Click Here to read the blog of Task. 

Adeline Virginia Woolf (Stephen; 25 January 1882 – 28 March 1941) was an English writer, considered one of the most important modernist 20th century authors and also a pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative device.

According to today's time people are going to choose watch movie for better understanding rather read the books. Yes' Original Books plays vital role. 

Film: To the Lighthouse
Director: Colin Gregg
Released: 1983

let's start with frame study ..... {Movie Version}

Both the images  of toys are came up with the start up of movie and going to indicate i guess  the ATTRACTION of children or may be it will narration further in the movie.   

This Frame is the original pic from Lighthouse and light showing behind the words. Unfortunately i captured it by Phone from my device so unable to capture proper one.    

love of Mother son 

 Have look of SUMMER HOUSE

Garden of Summer House where Many Incidences will Happened there.   

Table Discussion where the Many Discussion happened here.

James Biting his thumb nail and frustration and angriness towards his father. Clearly shows that he hates his father. 

Wealthy family with well dress playing and spending there time with friends and family 

LILY BRISCO finding her own peaceful corner. 

Her Attention towards her passion.

Her Painting Setup in Garden in the summer house.

The bond of Mother Son and the also the painting Engle.


Collection of her Paintings.

With the third part of novel there are going to visit the LIGHTHOUSE.

Expression of LILY BRISCO and also her nature indicates that how she is serious towards his work.

Look of Lighthouse after many years they are there at summer house.

Engle of Lily ' s Painting which is Completing her painting after may b 10 years .

How she is Emotional and tears are there to remaining MRS RAMSAY.    

Visiting Light house After many years 

Lily Completing her painting and only she feels that the absence of MRS RAMSAY.

Last image from movie that she is completing the painting .


As we find the Reference  in the Lighthouse we can say that MRS RAMSAY read the book of sheakespher THE TIMES about the number of American's who visit Shakespeare's house every year.


    India is SIX (6) Times i guess..  the Indian Reference Reflected by Barad sir 

1)  she asked too many people to stay, and had to lodge some in the town, she could not bear incivility to her guests, to young men in particular, who were poor as church mice, “exceptionally able,” her husband said, his great admirers, and come there for a holiday. Indeed, she had the whole of the other sex under her protection; for reasons she could not explain, for their chivalry and velour, for the fact that they negotiated treaties, ruled India, controlled finance.

2) India is exotic place where lies great romance, adventure and happiness

3) Augustus Carmichael’s going to India is considered as some sort of achievement.

4) India is referred as place of desire. . . a desire to visit.

5)  Made in India jewelry is a thing to be possessed – owned with pride

6)  Some land which is far away – unknown land, the exotic land.


# Mr. Ramsay Discuses about philosophical points  on the Dinner Table and Talk about F. H. Bradley's essay and Reality (Mr. Ramsay have an interest to Metaphysical )  

# Mrs. Ramsay Thinks about his Husband with the point of philosophical way That is thinking pattern or Structure the way of Mr. Ramsay think and to be Apply the Structure Based on thinking Process. 

References :

Barad, Dilip. India in Virginia Woolf's Lighthouse, 1 Jan. 1970,

